Public Service Page
Kilbuck Township Board of Supervisors Regular Meeting
If you wish to attend via telephone or Google Meet, please contact wright@kilbucktownship.org by 4:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting.
If you reside in Kilbuck Township and serve as a volunteer Firefighter for any company in Allegheny County, contact the administration office with your information to qualify for a $300 wage tax rebate for 2018.
The Whole-Home Repairs Program is now accepting applications in Allegheny County! Eligible homeowners can apply for up to $50,000 to repair damages to a home’s roof, windows or foundation. Visit this page to learn more and apply.
Kilbuck Township is relying on the professionals at the Allegheny County Health Department and the Ohio Township Police Department during the Covid-19 events. In case of an emergency, you should call 9-1-1 immediately.
Information on Voting in Kilbuck Township
No Soliciting List
If you would like to be placed on the "No Soliciting" List, contact Ohio Township
Police Department. Located at 126 Lenzner Court, Sewickley, Pa 15143
Phone (412) 259-8304
Fax (412) 259-8306
E-Notice of DEP Drilling Permits
The DEP offers a notification service whereby individuals may to subscribe to receive e-mail notifications of permit activity within the State, county or individual municipality. Through this service, you may monitor the status of permits involved in the following regulatory categories:
- Air Quality - Safe Drinking Water - Waste Management
- Mining - Land Recycling - Water Pollution Control
- Oil and Gas - Radiation Protection - Water Resources Management
Click on the instructions link or click here for the eNOTICE Subscription Site to subscribe to this service.