Important Links
U.S. Department of Commerce
Census Bureau - Find most recent census data (Year 2020) at the state, county, and local levels
Quacker Valley Council of Governments (COG)
Find information directly from their website.
Avonworth School District
Find information directly from their website.
Allegheny County Sites
Allegheny County - Find county services, programs, departments and contact information.
Right to Know Policy/Open Records - How to obtain copies of Allegheny County's public records.
Please use the Open Records Form when requesting Kilbuck Township documents.
Traffic Alerts - See where the road work is happening in Allegheny County.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - Find information about PA state agencies, legislation, services and programs.
Department of Conservation and Natural Resources - Learn about all the Pennsylvania's outdoor activities, State Parks and environmental news.
Department of Education - Find an institution, learn more about certifications, codes and regulations.
Department of Health and Human Services - Online application for Pennsylvanians to apply for many health and human service programs.
Department of Transportation - Find information on driver and vehicle services, safety information, and online services.
VisitPA - This website is a comprehensive resource for planning a trip in PA. Choose from a pre-made trip or easily create a personalized trip of your own. -