Frequently Asked Questions
Who is responsible for garbage and recycling in the township?
Waste Management. Garbage pickup is on Tuesday for the township with recycling every other week, beginning the week of January 8, 2012. Should you need to contact Waste Management, call 1-800-866-4460 or see their website.
Where can I purchase a recycling bin?
Kilbuck Township does not sell recycling bins. Recycling bins can be purchased at specialized online retailers, or at local home improvement stores.
How do I dispose of large items, appliances, and building supplies?
Waste Management should be contracted for Household Hazardous Waste for large and hard to dispose of items. Click here for more information on how the program works. Items not covered by Waste Management may be disposed of during special events by the Pennsylvania Resource Council
What activities require a permit?
New home or building construction
Additions and alternations to structures
Building Demolition
Swimming Pools
Vehicles over 10 tons
Who do I contact for permit questions or citations I have received?
For questions regarding permits or citations contact the Main Office at 412-761-3945.
Home Ownership - Buying, Selling, Refinancing
Who’s the District Judge?
Tara Smith
11 Meade Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15202
Where do I vote?
Kilbuck Municipal Building
343 Eicher Road
Kilbuck Township, PA 15237
Who is responsible for garbage and recycling in the township?
Click here for the tax rates.
What is the wage tax or earned income tax (EIT)?
The wage tax is 1%, contact your employer for payment procedures (see #3 below "What is Act 32").
Wage tax is due to Jordan Tax Service thru December of 2011. Click here for contact information.
Wage Tax from 2012 to current year is now collected by Keystone Collections Group. They can be reached at 724-978-0300 or click here for their website.
What is Act 32?
Act 32 requires that employers must withhold local earned income taxes (EIT) on behalf of their employees and file returns with the Tax Officer selected by the Tax Collection District (TCD) in which the employer is located. For more information about Act 32 for employers and employees, click here to visit Jordan Tax Service's website for FAQ's, forms, regulations and the complete text of the Act for employers and employees. Visit the DCED website at www.newpa.com for additional information on the Act, including the Tax Register, the list of PSD (Political Subdivision) codes and contact information for Tax Collection Committees (TCC) and Tax Officers for each TCD.
Kilbuck Township information needed on the EIT Residency Certification Form:
PSD Code: 710204
Municipal Non-resident Rate: 0%
Resident Rate (total): 1%
1. Municipal Resident Rate: .5%
2. School District Resident Rate: .5%